Beginners Guide Table of Contents Introduction to MMORPGs Introduction to AO Getting started Fighting Teaming up Levelling Training Apartments Machines and Shopping Chatting Leaving the Backyard Introduction to MMORPGs MMORPG stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. The term applies to role-playing games that can be played online, hosting thousands of players simultaneously. Anarchy Online builds upon the success of other MMORPGs such as EverQuest, Ultima Online and Asheron's Call. At first glance it is easy to see why Anarchy Online differs from other MMORPGs. Anarchy Online is the first ever science fiction MMORPG incorporating a number of new ideas and concepts. Up until Anarchy Online, all other MMORPGs had followed the fantasy theme. Anarchy Online is also different from other games in the genre by offering random missions and dungeons, giving the player a unique gaming experience. Anarchy Online also has the capability to host up to 10,000 players simultaneously in one world, allowing you to make friends, or enemies, with more players than any other MMORPG. Anarchy Online truly puts the massive in Massively. Anarchy Online is the first ever MMORPG to involve players in a dynamic and impressive story. Each and every player has the opportunity to play a part in the conflict between Omni-Tek and the Clans, whether it be fighting for peace or fighting for superiority. From a new citizen learning the skills of his profession, to a leader of a large and influential clan, each player may help shape the storyline to determine the fate of the inhabitants of Rubi-Ka. All MMORPGs follow a similar advancement style. Players are able to increase their abilities and skills through combat and trade skills. Much like in real-life, characters in MMORPGs learn skills through advancement and by building upon other skills. As characters advance they may also branch out into other skills or specialize in a particular type. All this of course is at your control, so you may create a truly unique character. MMORPGs are able to immerse you into a dynamic world where you ARE someone else, rather than a face behind the screen, and this is perhaps the key to why MMORPGs are the success they are today. So, immerse yourself and welcome to Rubi-Ka, citizen. Introduction to AO Professions Choosing a profession can be an important phase of playing a MMORPG. Some people will choose a profession that suits the playing style they have gotten used to through other games. Other people will choose a profession that best suits their personality. Remember that choosing a profession is up to you, so try to choose a profession you think you will like, and suits the role you wish to assume in Anarchy Online. If you prefer to take the fight to your enemies, use an arsenal of weapons, and like the strong, lethal type, the Soldier, Enforcer or Martial Artist would be a great choice. If you would like to be mysterious, has played a magic user in other games, or is interested in magic-like roles and effects, then the Nano Technician or Meta-Physicist could be the way to go. If you like to support others, by healing or buffing (increasing the statistics), or you would like to employ a combination of combat and magic, then the Bureaucrat, Engineer, Doctor, Adventurer, or Trader could be for you. If you like the shady types, loved playing a rogue or thief in other games, or like to attack stealthily and deal with traps, then the Fixer or the Agent is the profession of choice. For a closer description of each profession, their advantages and disadvantages, have a look at the Anarchy Online manual Getting started Inventory After creating your character and choosing an affiliation, you will enter the Training Grounds where you can get familiar with your profession and learn the basics of Anarchy Online in a well-protected area, and at your own pace. The first thing you may want to do when you set foot on Rubi-Ka, is look over your inventory. You can do this by clicking "INV" at the bottom of the screen, or by pressing "i" on your keyboard. In your inventory you will find all the items you need to get you started; a weapon, a nano crystal (in some cases two), a set of maps, a first aid kit and a treatment kit. If you have chosen to join either Omni-Tek or the Clans, you will have a merit board in your inventory. If you have chosen Omni-Tek, you will also have an Omni-Tek shirt. Wearing items Open your Wear Window (the left-most box at the top of your screen) by left-clicking it. From here you may choose what you wear and what you equip. Left-click and drag your weapon to any slot in the Wear Window. Once you let go, the weapon will place itself in the correct slot. If you are Omni-Tek or Clan affiliated, do the same with your merit board, and if you are an Omni-Tek employee, do the same with your shirt. To upload your nano crystal(s) so you can use nano formulas, shift+left-click on the nano crystal. In the box that appears you will find the requirements to use the nano crystal. Try shift+left click other items as well. You can get information about any item by doing this. Once you have found the requirements of a nano crystal, it is time for you to increase your skill levels so you can use it. Increasing skills When you first arrive on Rubi-Ka, your skills are at the bare minimum according to your breed. They are your base skills. Therefore it is important for you to raise your skills, making you stronger, faster and even smarter. To raise skills, you must use the IP (improvement points) given to you. To open your Skill View, click on "SKL" at the bottom of your screen or press "u" on your keyboard. In this window, you are able to allocate IP into your skills. At the top you will find your name, title, current level, and profession. To the right of this information, in yellow, you will see your available IP. This is the amount of IP you can now distribute. A good tip is, at least for the first few levels: always increase your main attributes. These can be found in the first category and consist of such abilities as Strength, Intelligence, Body Development and Nano Pool. By using the tabs on the left of the Skill View, you can cycle through each category and put IP into other skills. Try to put some IP into weapon skills (such as the weapon you are using), speed skills (such as evade/dodge and offensive initiatives) and nano skills (especially the ones that correspond to the nano crystals you want to use). To find out more about a skill, shift+left-click on it. Skills that are coloured green will take less IP to increase. Skills that are coloured blue/green take more IP to increase and skills coloured deep blue cost the most to increase. Once you have assigned your IP into your skills, righ-click on your nano crystal(s) to upload them into your nano program knowledge. If you open the Programs window (second window from the right at the top of your screen) you will see the nano program(s) you have uploaded. Maps The set of maps found in your inventory contains a map for each of the starting cities and low level hunting grounds for your alignment. To upload your maps, right-click on them. If you look at the Map window (fourth window from the right) you will see a map of the Training Grounds you are presently in. You are the yellow dot. Left-click on the map and drag it around to see what is around you. You can buy map upgrades later to increase what you can see. Maps can be a valuable ally in Anarchy Online. By using the maps you buy or are given you can search for nearby cities, towns or even hunting spots. Upgraded maps will also show other players, monsters/aliens and even shops. With the right assortment of maps you will always know where you are, where you've been and where you are going. Action Bar By now you should now have your most of your items equipped on your body, with only your treatment kit and first aid kit left in your inventory. Your nano programs should also be stored in the Program window. You may use the items in your inventory and nano programs by clicking on the icons in their windows. However, to help speed things up and make managing your character easier, you have been given an Action Bar. The Action Bar is the thin transparent bar near the top of your screen. You can hide/show it by pressing ‘y’ on your keyboard. If you left-click your treatment kit, drag it so it's over the Action Bar, and then left-click again the treatment kit will be placed in the Action Bar. Do this for your first aid kit and your nano program(s) as well. The Action Bar allows you to quickly access an item without the need to open the windows which may end up cluttering your screen. To use an item in the action bar, simply press a number from 1 to 0 that corresponds with the placement of the item in the Action Bar. The first box in the Action Bar is 1, the second is 2 and so on so the last box is 0. We will cover how to use the items you have later. Fighting Preparing for battle The Training Ground offers you, as a new inhabitant of Rubi-Ka, some native wildlife to fight. Roaming nearby you will find such creatures as the Leet, Reet of Paradise and Viparious Lizard. You may target a creature by left-clicking it or by alternatively pressing "TAB". This will target the next closest enemy. You will see the creature's name at the top left-hand side of the screen and its health will be shaded a certain colour. Make sure the target isn't too strong for you or you will have a greater chance of dying. You can read the manual regarding target colour codes here. Before you enter the battle, it is a good idea to check whether your weapon has any special attacks. Shift+left-click your weapon to see if it has any. If it does, you may use them during combat. To find the keys for the special attack click on "OPT" at the bottom of your screen then click "Keyboard". You may also want to set your Aggressive/Defensive slider to aggressive so you do more damage. To do this, open the first window from the right at the top of your screen (the Stats window) and slide the bar all the way to "agg". If one of your nano programs is a buffing nano (giving you benefits, by increasing some statistics) it is a good idea to execute it on yourself before you enter battle. To do this, target yourself (press "F1") and then right click the nano program or press the corresponding Action Bar number. Now it's time to fight! The fight To initiate a fight, make sure you have the creature targeted and then press "q". During the battle, remember to use your special attacks if you have any, execute your offensive nano programs if you have any, and execute your healing nano programs on yourself if you have any. If your health gets low, you might improve the situation by targeting yourself and using a first aid kit. If during the fight you feel you cannot win, you can run towards the Guard and Guide who are situated near the shops/booths where you first appeared. If you reach them in time, they will kill the creature for you. You will not receive any benefit from this though, a part from staying alive. After the fight Once your opponent is dead you will receive experience (xp). You may then loot its body to see whether it has any credits or items. Do this by right-clicking your dead opponent’s corpse. If your health is low after a fight, it is always a good idea to heal yourself. You can do this by using a healing nano program on yourself or by sitting down, targeting yourself, and using a treatment kit. Teaming up Creating a team It is quite likely that there will be other newcomers to Rubi-Ka in the Training Grounds with you. Teaming with other players can be a rewarding experience; not only because you can kill opponents faster, but you'll also make great new friends. To team up with someone, open your Team window (fifth window from the left) , target the person you wish to team with and click "recruit". If someone tries to recruit you the options "accept", "decline" and "ignore" will be available. When killing opponents, you will receive less experience in a team, but you will make up for that in the speed at which you kill them. If you are in a good team you can easily gain experience faster than fighting solo. Levelling XP and IP Once you have acquired enough experience you will gain a new level. At each new level you will be given more IP to place into your skills. It's always best to distribute IP right after a battle.Try to place the IP into skills that are key to your profession, especially the main attributes such as Body Development and Nano Pool. As you gain levels, the experience needed to reach a new level will be slightly increased. Remember that when spending IP, the skills that are coloured light green are a lot easier to increase than those skills coloured dark blue. Increasing a dark blue skills means using more IP than increasing a green skill. As you reach higher levels IP becomes valuable as you try to increase certain statistics so you may use that new weapon or nano program, so try to spend IP wisely in the beginning. It is also a good idea to head to a shop when you can and check out weapons, nano crystals and items you think you may use at higher levels and note their requirements. By doing this you can plan what weapons and items you want to use at higher levels and spend your IP at the lower levels accordingly. Planning on what items to use should also be compared against what skills are easy for you to increase. Training Training Ground The training ground is the area in which you first enter Rubi-Ka. Here there are creatures to kill, a Guard and Guide, a starter shop and an insurance terminal. Near the Guide and Guard will be an exit that leads to the backyard area. If you are Omni-Tek this exit will look like a teleporter. If you are Clan, this exit will be an archway. If you are Neutral, this exit will be a mine shaft. Backyard In the backyard you will find important things such as another Guide, a mission booth, a bank and apartments. Also in the backyard is an exit which leads to the rest of the city. To exit the backyard and enter the city you must be at least level 2 or have 1000 credits. Apartments Getting an apartment Each citizen of Rubi-Ka is given an apartment in which to store items or just "hang out". To gain an apartment, simply walk through one of the doors that lead to one. You will enter your own private hallway, and a key will appear in your inventory. It is important that you place this key somewhere safe, and don't destroy it, as it is your only access to your apartment. Later on you can buy items and furniture to decorate your apartment. Make sure to take note of where your apartment is situated and in what apartment complex it is, so that you can find it again when you wish to return. Machines and Shopping Starter Shop In the Training Ground, near the Guard and Guide, you can find a starter shop that holds a number of items that are useful to help you in your new life on Rubi-Ka. To use a shop, right-click anywhere on the booth. A window will appear, showing what you can buy and providing empty spaces to sell items. The starter shop provides you with basic equipment to help you through your first few levels. Once you enter the cities you will find shops that sell weapons, nano programs, armour, clothes, tools and more. Bank The bank is a place for you to store all the items you want to keep but take up too much room in your inventory. To move an item to the bank, simply left-click and drag from your inventory. To put an item from the bank into your inventory, simply click on the item. Cell Scanner When you die your remains will be rebuilt and all the experience you have gained since your last cell scanner save will be lost. Therefore, it is a good idea to use a cell scanner wisely. Using a cell scanner will cost you credits as well, so only save when you feel it is necessary. Your character will be scanned automatically until you reach level 6, so there is no need to use the scanner until then. Insurance reclaim Upon death you will appear at an insurance reclaim booth very close to the last cell scanner you scanned at. You will find you are missing the items in your inventory. Not to fear as the items can be found in the insurance reclaim booth. You will also feel the effects of being recreated at the reclaim booth and as a result your skills will be slighly lowered for a small period of time. They will reset to the normal level as you overcome the residual effects. Mission Booth Mission booths offer a great variety of missions in which to gain money, experience or items. There are two kinds of mission booths; individual and team. Right-click on a mission booth to tailor a mission to your needs. You may adjust the difficulty of the mission by using the difficulty slider. You may also further adjust your mission seetings by clicking on the downwards triangle on the right hand side. Here you will find the following options: Good - Bad : Changes the type of mission (find, retrieve, kill etc). Order - Chaos : Adjusting the slider to Chaos increases the chance of locked doors and the probability of monsters instead of human NPCs. Open - Hidden : Increases the chances of locked doors and traps when closer to Hidden. Physical - Mystical : Mystical defines the chance of nano using NPCs and monsters whereas Physical will include more gun wielding and melee NPCs and monsters. Head-on - Stealth : Determines mission type. Cash - XP : Determines the reward balance and has no effect on the mission area. Left-click a mission to highlight it, then accept the mission. If you are in the same area as the mission, you can look in your Mission window (fourth window from the left), right-click on a mission and upload the coordinates. You can see here that you may also inspect and destroy the mission, a procedure you can use on any item. Shopping and trading There are a few items that are always a must have. One of these is a treatment kit. Having a few of these handy will help you heal faster in between fights. Another valuable item is a nano recharger; especially for nano-based professions. Other items you may like to carry around with you are first aid kits, speed buffs and a lockpick. As you grow more accustomed to Rubi-Ka you will find things you know you couldn't do without, but treatment kits and nano rechargers are a great start. Trading with another character will often give you some good items or good prices. To trade with someone, right-click on them and the trade window will open. Like the shopping window, drag items from your inventory to the trade window. If you wish to offer credits, click on the empty space next to "cred" and type the amount in, then press enter! Chatting Guide and Guard The Guide and Guard can be a good source of information. Try speaking to them. Say things like "Hello" and "What do you know?" Chat Channels As a new inhabitant to Rubi-Ka there are a few channels available to you. By opening the Friends window (third from the right) you can choose from a shopping channel to even a "newbie" channel where you can discuss the finer points of being a "newbie" (new person) to Rubi-Ka with others. They are a great source of information and you'll no doubt meet some good friends too. Leaving the Backyard Heading to the city Once you have saved 1000 credits or reached level 2, you may exit the training ground and backyard to head into the city. This is where you will continue your new adventure on Rubi-Ka. Try to get familiar with the city you enter, as it is always a good idea to know where the shops are, where the exits are, where your apartment is placed and so forth. Talk to other citizens and ask them questions; they are only more than happy to help. Also, the manual and the FAQs may be able to answer your questions. So, have fun on Rubi-Ka, citizen. Good luck on your new travels and we'll see you around!